Saxophone Lesson 17: E minor and E major for two octaves


Contents: Exercise 32, scale of E minor for two octaves, Exercise 33, arpeggio of E minor for two octaves, Exercise 34, scale of E major for two octaves, Exercise 35, arpeggio of E major for two octaves, Practice Plan 17. 5 Pages + tutorial video access code


Exercise 32 helps with the movement between C and D# at the top of the scale of E minor for two octaves and is followed by the scale written out. Exercise 33 helps with the finger movements at the top of the E minor arpeggio which is then set out. Exercise 34 deals with the use of the articulated G# mechanism in the scale of E major as well as the action of the left-hand palm keys, and is followed by the scale of E major for two octaves written out. Exercise 35 deals with the finger movements required for the arpeggio of E major which is then written out. Practice Plan 17 incorporates all the material so far covered.