Exam preparation

When preparing scales and arpeggios for a graded exam you should always check the relevant syllabus for specific requirements.

Grade exam scale requirements vary from one syllabus to another, and Plan Z Music does not endorse any particular examining board. The compilation of lessons into grade bundles has, however, as much as is possible, been arranged along the lines followed by the main UK boards.

Much of the syllabus content of these grade exams does not seem to follow any coherent, systematic approach to learning scales and arpeggios, so we have parted company when it has been impossible to reconcile our approach with the grade requirements. This is especially the case at advanced level (Grades 6 to 8), where the order of major/minor sequences varies widely from board to board and, generally, seems to be rather arbitrary in its selection. For this reason, the three advanced level grades for saxophone have been combined into two bundles: one for scales and arpeggios and one for dominant sevenths and non-diatonic material.

Students who choose not to take graded exams can also acquire the lessons in grade bundles as everything required will still be covered in an appropriate order. Purchasing the lessons in this way, rather than individually, reduces the price by 10%.